Sirens of Sundance Ave

Sirens of Sundance Ave
Earlier in the day, when traffic was still moving freely along Sundance Avenue, an SUV jumped the curb and turned a nearby parking meter into a coin-filled pinata. Erin was standing close enough to get a dollar seventy-five's worth of quarters sprayed into her cleavage. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, including the driver, who apologized to the two girls profusely, and admitted total fault during the ensuing police report. This didn't free Erin from feeling guilty about the accident. Just by standing there with another girl in a bikini, she had lured the metaphorical sailor into the metaphorical rocks.

Mercedes was getting fed up with the blame-taking and the talk of metaphorical this-and-that. "Jesus girl, it's just tits. You don't need to reference Greek mythology to explain tits. We have 'em. Guys like to look at 'em. Some guys like looking at tits more than they like looking at the road."

It was awful hard to have an honest conversation with someone you were gyrating against back-to-back, but Erin persisted. "I know that. Give me *some* credit. Still, we're here covered in soap suds wearing bikini tops made out of sponges. It sort of is our fault."

Mercedes' irritated voice sounded odd filtered through a smile. "Yeah, it might be if we just showed up here at random. But instead, we're being paid by Soak 'n' Wet car wash to spice up their grand opening. Blame the damn owner."

That was true. It seemed almost criminally irresponsible to create a spectacle capable of causing a traffic accident. The cynicism seemed to have paid off through. By now, Sundance Avenue was a virtual parking lot for vehicles in line to use the car wash. Some spotlessly clean cars even looked to be going for wash #2.

Erin was about to launch into a diatribe against unchecked capitalism when the next driver in line pulled up to the metal tip box near the two girls and stuffed in a twenty dollar bill. Rather than making a hypocritical remark, Erin remained silent.

As if she just read her mind, Mercedes chimed in. "See, it's not such a bad gig." The tip box was going to have to be emptied again soon.

"Yeah, I know. I still feel bad though."

"Feel bad all you want, but keep smiling, alright?. Are you smiling?"

Erin upended a bucket of water over her soapy chest, the kind of spontaneous, wet and wild gesture Soak 'n' Wet's management encouraged. "Yeah, I'm smiling."

animeloveofthegods on
I just like to state home much sexy win this picture is!

Blue Leader on
Nicely done, Woot. :)
Hope to see more of your work.

Shentosho on
Wow... do they do hand 'wash' jobs?

On a side note, if Mercedes' name was Shaunee they'd be the "House of Night" Twins.

Gizes on
I'm pretty sure that's how EVERY greeter, regardless of how busty, feels. You gotta keep smiling, regardless of your mood or comfort level.

C on
...oh my O_O...

I am both impressed by the almost sumi-ink painting character studies you are able to create, and the endowments of the aforementioned beauties. This English major approves! :D

anonymouse on
I had to check to make sure (my pleasure, trust me). This is only the second picture you've done with two "big girls" given an equal position (the other being #208). I remember you saying something like more than one "don't frame well," but if you keep on doing ones of this caliber then I don't think that'll be a problem; this decisively shows how it can be otherwise.

Seriously, you've matured so much as an artist I check every day.

Dio on
I'd be there 24/7

Somebody on
A very lovely and sexy looking picture of two very cute looking girls in a two-pice.

SirJimmy on
Super, neharharhar. I love Erin's boobs as they seem particularly "bouyant" - they look firm, yet bouncy. And of course, thanks for bringing her back - yet another nostalgic Woot character that seems to have filled out all over since we saw her last B]

Somebody on
Problem is, after getting the car cleaned, would it not be "dirty" again anyway? :P

Dragonfire on
Woot this is your greatest pic yet!

Djoser on
I hate to repeat myself, but they are so cute my eyes got teary :P

woot on
@ C: Thank you. I try to keep the story sections short, so any character development (har har) is dependent on milking a lot from a little.

@ anonymouse: Framing is less of an issue now that I'm not working in the oekaki paint applet and I can easily work with larger canvases. Part is preference though- I like contrasting breast sizes. Still, if one busty girl is good, then two is better, eh? I can't argue with that.

@ SirJimmy: I like bringing back characters when I can. Glad you spotted this one.

@ Djoser: I've actually been working with DARPA to create weaponized cuteness as a non-lethal crowd control measure (like tear gas)*.

*actually, none of that is true.

Djoser on
Yeah i think cuteness woudl only cripple me. Big boobs on the other hand... :P

Dragonfire on
I have a suggestion for a new series about cowgirls. In it a girl and her boy-friend are taking a tour of a dairy factory. An incedent occurs where the girl comes into contact with some experiantal chemicals. The factory people imburse her so she doesn't sue. The chemicals cause her to go from an average flat girl, to a big and wide cow girl. The series goes from both the boy's and the girl's point of view as they deal with the changes. You can end the series anyway you want Woot. I thought it was a good idea, what do you guys think of it?

anon on
Dragonfire: You seem to have a pretty good idea of what that story would look like. Why don't you just write it yourself instead of begging off artists to do it for you?

woot on
Yeah, the suggestions I'm most open to are for one-shot type stories, not series. I'm not even considering my own series ideas until I can finish Tenfingers (yes, I know that I've cheated a bit here and there).

Dragonfire on
To answer your question, i'm good at coming up with ideas, but i suck at writting the story out.

Melissa on
How did she escape the deadly breast crab?!

Zach on
I really dig the sponge bikinis! Both the girls and the cars get clean!

A cool/funny sequel would be a bbw on a nearby street that accidentally crushes the cars she rubs against.

Izludious on
Belly! It's small but it's definitely there!

The story is hilarious and has good characterization, I like it.

woot on
@ Melissa: I'm guessing she attacked its weak spot for massive damage.

@ Zach: The girls are just there as a publicity stunt for the opening of the carwash. Those sponge bikinis don't look like they could handle being mashed up against an automobile without slipping off. Some may think of that was false advertising, but the customers had to wait a long time for a wash, so they could ogle to their heart's content.

McSteel on
That's a car wash I like to visit... X3

Nice work Woot! =D

Mikuzu on
Both the fact that it's late and just having a sandwich made me think the sponges were bread slices...

Man, I'm out of it today...

Either way, good work!

Melissa on
I tried cleaning my car with a sponge-bra today.
It didn't work at all, I just slid out of it.

tsokei on
Excellent piece! I love the orange bikini and the title fits perfectly.

Brainfuck on
Physics sucks, eh?

SirJimmy on
I tried cleaning my car with a sponge-bra too.
It didn't work at all... what with being a guy and all.

Baconman on
Great piece, fun story, keep it up. Me and the missus sometimes use these as little bedtime stories, and she enjoys them ever so much. Keep her smiling, times are not easy around these parts.

Oh, and I'm sure you say something about it somewhere, but do you take commissions? The little lady was interested in doing just that. Shoot me an email if you do, chief~

woot on
@Melissa: Haha- well you gave it your best shot :] Once I figured out that the sponge bras looked a little flimsy, I switched the story angle from them washing cars at a fundraiser event, to them acting as a promotion for a new car wash.

@Baconman: I don't do commissions now. If I ever change my mind, I'll be sure to make some public announcement. Thanks for your (and the missus') interest!

BalloonPrincess on
I thought I recognized these lovely gals! :)

Somebody on
actually i think physics r awesome cuz if the sponge bra slips off i would be able to ogle at the bare breasts

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