Princess Toadstool

Princess Toadstool

Muhznit on
Now that I think about it, most of the Super Mario world has a face on it-not just those clouds. The ground has a really nice view 24/7. Especially of this!

tetsaru_arigashi on
Peach needs to get one of those new Mega Mushrooms off of New Super Mario Bros.!

Marvin on
too bad it's not like this in the real Mario games.

Venom on
hey woot, i'm a huge nintendo fan and i thing you should do more like this. for instance, samus having trouble getting her suit on or rolling up in a ball, or zelda with huge boobs

Rivera on
So that's what happens if she eats a shroom!

Captian ovious on
She did eat a shroom u fools!!!!!!she's thinking of 1and saying mmmmmm
she ate 1that means I think

Have her eat some more hehe or that witch cast a spell

Add a story toooo

Grimm on
hoping next it's Llia

Mudoran on
Level up.

Anonymous on
Interesting. What happens when she gets a P-balloon?

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