
The first time she was introduced to her fellow servers at O'Mally's Bar and Grill, Gwen had laughed a nervous laugh, fully expecting hidden cameras to be pointed out to her. The other girls would remove the padding from under their blouses and they'd all yell something about her being punk'd, and she'd have to admit to everybody in the room that it was a pretty good gag. But the relief of that moment never came. She was stuck in this surreal environment.

The thing was that all the other waitresses had ginormous jugs. Tremendous ta-tas. Ridiculous racks. Horrendously huge hooters. Not anything so trifling and pedestrian as double d's. Tits that spit on the entire alphabetical classification system. Ones big enough to make a porn star blush.

But no one blushed, or even batted an eye. That's what made it ten times worse; how nobody acknowledged the fact that the place was staffed by bloated breasted parodies of womanhood. Not the Bill the manager, not even the customers! Normal families came in and acted like this was the most natural setup imaginable. Men only looked at their chests (briefly) to read their name tags. What was wrong with everyone?

What was wrong with her? Did she step into some bizzaro universe the second she entered the restaurant? Could she be going crazy? Maybe she was just reluctant to acknowledge that these pneumatic co-workers were fellow human beings. She had to admit that it made her angry to think that Kim was a fellow college student, but with a double major in microbiology and epidemiology. It would be simpler if they were airheaded bimbos. She wanted to hate them. Maybe because on some level she was jealous, even though it was insanity to want a chest like that.

Still, Gwen caught herself staring sometimes. Not like that. She was straight. Totally straight. But even the slightest movement would generate a miniature earthquake that kept the bosom in lively motion seemingly forever. Quivering and jiggling with a thousand aftershocks. Like ripples in a never-still pond. Really hypnotizing stuff.

And, oh yeah, the tips they got were amazing.

EvilSandwich on
For the love of god, tell me this will be a series. O_O

Quadhouse on
I second that.

Godzilla on
You certainly have built up a bit of mystery around this picture.

BalloonPrincess on
I'm waiting for Rod Sterling to pop up at any moment and start doing an introduction to the "Twilight Zone". :) Though, for a moment, I thought of myself back in the day when I looked at Gwen. :)

Somebody on
Has to be. This is got 'to be continued...' written all over it. ;)

Muhznit on
I third the motion to make this a series.

hidden leaf on
i fourth the motion!

Dan on
This sure has hell would be a sweet series. Lets just see what Woot has for us. *sits*

Miss Selainie on
*Passes out the popcorn*

Somebody on
Yeah i can see this turning into a series. But I don't see anyway of how you could make this unique. Inless it's like a twighlight zone er something

mechafan on
I fifth,sixth,heck one millonth the motion!!!!!!!

eatboerenkool on
I already like where this is leading too :)

lurker man! on
i one millionth and one the motion :P

and i kind of want the picture to be a liiiiitle wider, to see who that lady next to her is.

Melissa on
I've always liked the name Gwen.

woot on
Normally I wouldn't consider starting a new series while another is going on (one shots are fine since I'm easily distracted), but the amount of feedback O'Mally's got started me thinking about how to continue it. Now I'm sorely tempted!

namelessone on
Please tell me this is a series where Gwen becomes the bustiest of them all...

The Man on
Now if the view would pan a bit to the right...

Anonymous on
I could dig this as a series, even a short little one.

Anon on
The Image RSS feed is back! It's available at http://woot.iiichan.net/rss.php

kata on
i ve been readig looking but never saying anything but please make into a series

Rotondo on
Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series. Series.
At least a short one.

Rhemora on
uhhh everyone I think woot gets it that you want this to be a series.

Somebody on
What the--?! This has been updating?! Check your RSS feed! I'm missing out.

BalloonPrincess on
That's great! I really do hope you'll do a series on this! Gwen's just too cute not to do more with! :)

Somebody else on
I couldn't resist asking, but what are you talking about "Somebody"? what has been updating?

dude on
oh PLEASE make this a series

Somebody on
Did woot die or something?

no1inparticular on
Lapses have happened too many times for me to believe that

Dan on
I think he did.

woot on
Sorry, it's a combination of being easily distracted, not being able to find a compelling way to illustrate the next Tenfingers installment, and being hesitant to start a new series (O'Mally's) in the middle of another series.

no1inparticular on
see, I told ya he was alive

Miss Selainie on
No worries, as long as we know you're ok and still thinking about us. ^_^

lurker man! on
Woot, i can answer your problems.
1) It's alright to be distracted.
2) You ARE the author, since YOU hold the pencil thingy and YOU type the story. YOU can make it however YOU feel it should be. If someone says they hate it, they can go die.
3) Then just finish tenfingers before you start o'mally's up.

CaptRory on
Just check in from time to time to let us know you're ok or we'll get worried about one of our favorite artists/authors ^^

darkly on
everyone who visits your work,or site,really respects you...we don't control what you do...you do. overall try and finish what you started,before worring about another series...that's where i mess up alot lol.
but it is a great feeling to know a new piece of work is being thought of at all...
and hope that this will be a series someday...

belphagor on
that, "woot is dead" reminds me of 4chan admin moot being "dead". Are you sure you're not his twin brother?

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