Clothes Fitting [Commission]

Clothes Fitting [Commission]
This little scene is brought to you by an anonymous commissioner. It looks like she's being measured for some new clothing. Perhaps it was impractical up until now because she was still growing?

Bluh on
Giantess clothiers?
Kind of a niche market. I guess the materials warehouse is next door, formerly housing zeppelins.

Anon on
GTS Clothier, for all of your plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus size needs.

SirJimmy on
Nice angle.

Nice angles on her, too :3

rtpoe on
Until her clothes are ready, I volunteer to apply sunscreen....

Name Wolfman-Al on
This is great!
Is this going to be a series? I would be nice to see her slowly get gressed there, like in some kind of reverse striptease.

CarnageJak on
Make sure she is well fed or you'll see less staff coming to work οωο

Xanafar on
A GTS Clothier business must be a ruin. They are growing constantly. But if you find just one girl to fit some clothes and get the cash, it worths the effort.

BTW this is a cool concept for a GTS drawing.

woot on
@Wolfman-Al: Nope, no series this time.
@rtpoe: So much fair skin. So much sunscreen :]

Name Wolfman-Al on
Thats really a bloody shame! Maybe the anonymus comissioner reads this and comissions follow up pictures. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN, anonymus one!

Lumanare on
I wanna hug and cuddle her! can I woot?

AnothAnon on
I miss the comedic stories that went with the pics. But great art, as always.

Somebody on
looks like Denise from "Rude Awakening", but not with blonde hair or green eyes.

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