The Double Feature Creature Part 2 [Commission]

The Double Feature Creature Part 2 [Commission]
Here's the second installment of Ritz's commission. Somehow I don't think she's getting that bra back on!

Anon on
Bless you full moon! Bigger i say!

Dragonfire on
Someone's wolfing out! If there that big in the beginining I wonder how big they'll be at the end!!

CarnageJak on
So she changing into a buxom She-wolf, therefore when she turns back she'll be nude ^ω^

Ulvrik on
i said before i like how you think woot, and WOFF! i love it :D

angelfighter on
Is next part furry?

Wolfman-Al on
Those ears!
I love those adorable ears!

TwiWoot on
I'm not usually one to critique fine art, but why would she go to work on a full moon with such a condition?

woot on
@ angelfighter: Yes, close your eyes tight!

To those not freaking out, thanks :]

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