An Oni's Thirst Part 2 [Commission]

An Oni
And here's the conclusion. But oh my- she still hasn't had her fill!

Bob on
Nice use of passage of time, Woot.

uberhawg on
Nice one dude!

yes on

Bluh on
Bottomless sake jar!

Abs to flabs. Didn't know it was that fattening!

El-Jorro on
Excellent! Good to have you back

Somebody on
"But oh my- she still hasn't had her fill!"
I love it when Woot does cliff-hangers! :D

CarnageJak on
I prefer this to the other one, I wonder how much bigger she'll get.

Xanafar on
Saw it at the Melon Stand. But also commenting here for justice. One of your best works at commissions. The growing feeling is fantastic.

vanDUO on
More pictures at this rate and we'd have the world's first exploding oni! :O

But this is the conclusion, so we don't need to worry about an exploding oni.

Dragonfire on
Nice to see your hiatus is over can't wait to see your next post.

Bobby on
It's hardly the place for political stuff, but...FIGHT AGAINST SOPA AND PIPA!

Somebody on
Wow! Nice work as always! Keep up the awesome work as always! No one else does it better.

Duder on
Stand comments seem broken, anyway...

Whoever commissioned you for this must be REALLY happy.

Turned out super hot.

the omegaperv on
if oni grow like this... i will make sure to bring LOTS of sake ;)

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