Late to the Party

Late to the Party
"You are going to the Dragon Celebration, and you're going to have fun with me even if I have to make you miserable to do it!" Fu menaced, shifting her plump body into a fighting stance. She managed to look as threatening as an overstuffed almond pastry. "If that means I have to wrestle you all the way to the ground, then I will."

Runiya smirked. She didn't doubt if it came to grappling, the bigger girl would win, but that implied the dismally slow Fu could catch her in flight. That was never going to happen. "I don't care about any party the groundlings are throwing."

"But you should! They're throwing it for us! There's food and fireworks, songs, wine, everything! C'mon, it only happens once every twelve years. Afterwards, you can go right back to your mountaintop to write boring poems about clouds. Ooh! And there's puppet shows and poetry recitals and plays. You'd like those. Humans are always making new stories."

Puppet shows? How old did Fu think she was? And did she really need to insult her poetry? "Yes, the humans are always up to something. If I recall correctly, last festival they were busy slaughtering each other."

"Hah! I knew you'd bring that up. But the War of the Seven Kingdoms is over. Nian is at peace!" Fu paused and gave her sister an uncharacteristically somber look. "I could just go by myself, but I'd enjoy myself more if I knew you weren't missing out. If you hate it, you don't have to stay for the whole thing. Please come with me."

Runiya sighed. She was going, but that didn't mean she was eager to be embarrassed by her sister's poor fashion sense. "If you can find a top that covers your nipples, I'm in."

Fu squealed with excitement and sped towards her wardrobe.

Cowprobe on
Love the stories you embellish your nice art with.

This one in particular has me wondering what Runiya looks like.

Thanks for sharing this WOOT!

Somebody on
Unless... THIS IS RUNIYA...

Someguy on
I like the signature. Nice touch.

Bluh on
Damn, I love her nipples. You should draw them that way more often.

Somebody on
Oh, so you're not dead?

CarnageJak on
She is cute as hell, by the way nice background.
The thick lines really show of her succulent curves. :D

Just_DJ on
Absolutely fabulous work!

woot on
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

To everyone else, I'm glad you like it. From the quantity of comments this got on the Melon Stand, I thought there was something horrible about the image or story I couldn't see :]

Duderino on
Nah, the stand just doesn't let anon posters post anymore, not sure why.

I was happy to see original work from you, and man, it's fantastic! the face, the cuteness, the BODY, and an enjoyable story to boot!

I don't mind you doing comissions, gotta make dat money, but your stories always bring your pictures together, love em!

Void on
Nah, stand just seems a little slow as of late. The picture and accompaniment are both fantastic. :3

ravecrow on died...NOOOO!!....

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