Megan And Artist [Commission]

Megan And Artist [Commission]
This is the second part of Deathtronhammer's commissioned series. Sadly Megan's partner this time doesn't have a name, but I have drawn her before.

I'm sure Megan appreciates having a new view. I hope you do as well.

Wulv on
Is it me or are her boobs still growing gradually with each pic? They're going to need more paint at this rate. XP

Godzilla on
I say we name that artist! Pretty face needs a pretty name! I vote for Ruby! Short sweet and red like her hair!

Mister Guy Sir Heywood on
For the love of all things, this is. rather ideal

asdf on
Was browsing and noticed that artist chick has a slightly larger bust P:

Evad on
The unnamed girl reminds me of Karin-Son from Angel Blade.

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