Megan and Nurse [Commission]

Megan and Nurse [Commission]
Here's the last of the Deathtronhammer commissions. Megan is paired with the unnamed nurse from Misplaced Meds. And they've been depicted together in Super Sponge Bath.


Robert on
Homina homina

anon on
I note that the nurse was named Dr. Jacobs in the original. Not sure when she became unnamed.

Somebody on
are those the stolen bust enhancer pills?

Taeron on
Awesome. Are these Mammomax pills ? :D

Somebody on
... Are those the same pills resulting in the hospital workers BE from misplaced meds?

Somebody on
She wasn't really Dr. Jacobs. She was pretending to be Dr. Jacobs to throw the detective off the trail.

Robert on
Story? There was a story?

Anon. on
So THAT'S why she's getting bigger still!

bigdaddynj on
That naughty nurse!

Mas115 on
So this the Canon size for her now? Or is this still just commissions?

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